latest entry: 2014-04-26
Our current project so far:
> Planning permission (Permis de construire) obtained
> Works started
> foundation created:
> walls in progress
Costs (including tax) so far for the 100 sq.m house:
Excavator: 450 euros
Foundation: reinforcement, parpaign blocks, sand etc. 1000 euros (plus/minus),
mortar (17 m3) 1800 euros
Floor: insulation and profiles of pre-stressed reinforced concrete 3500 euros
mortar 1700 euros
Labor so far 10K euros (a licensed local business with a 10 year structural warranty)
Coming soon:
Walls: Terracotta blocks ('briques') 2500 euros
Windows: 3315 euros for 5 room windows and 4 door-windows;
Thermal insulation: 500 euros
Location: department of Ariege (09)
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