Planning Permission in France
(Permis de Construire)

Our mission is to make French house building process transparent and affordable.
Always get a quote (devis) for labour separately from materials.
We provide free advice on quantities of materials and their approximate cost.

Building a house in France
Public group · 241 members
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3D Design and Civil Engineering Specialist since 1995 | email response in 1 hour

starting from 899 euros
Planning Permission

New build or Renovation under 150 ** 

served in 5 days
with an advice on cost of materials and an explanation of all steps of your construction
3D virtual tour
of your future house interior and exterior

* Delivery of the required 2D drawings and 3D rendering of your house in accordance with the French regulations and help with filling out your application form. RT2012 thermal efficiency study not included in the price. Septic tank approval surcharge may apply.

** Footprint or habitable space - call us for advice.

Share your design with other customers and earn  € 50 on each resale!  

The "Déclaration préalable" (an advance notice of works) is an application similar to that for the Planning Permission (permis de construire). Even though it requires mostly the same amount of paperwork, the advantage is in the shorter review term (1 month compared to 2 months for the "permis de construire").

Contact us now:

 +33 6 4253 7599, +33 6 0 4444 313,

or by skype: askmaxim

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member since 2011

100% positive


Bank card payments are accepted via secure PayPal system.

La société Mr. BUYAKOV Maxim | SIRET 811 709 435 00028

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