divinitas Worldwide

Recently we served customers from the following countries:
UK, France, Japan, Australia, USA, Spain, Argentina, Switzerland, India, Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Russia

Our customers say:

"I appreciate your excellent handling!" Mr. Tada, Tokyo, Japan
"Wonderful. Thanks!"
Samantha, AMLS, Australia
"Everything was great. Many thanks!" William, a US expat in Russia

Bring a Friend and Get Bonus

Win-win! Recommend us to your friends and do them a favor: they get an automatic 10% discount up to EUR 100 total value. And you also receive another 10% cash back as our gratitude straight by PayPal.

Subscription for services:

Under our 'Subscription' program we provide a 25% discount within a monthly 'subscription' amount on a one-year term. You decide on the amount of such a 'subscription'. (A complete proposal is available on request.)

building or Renovating a house?


Planning Permission application and 3D design for your new construction or renovation project: EUR 899 for under 170 sq.m total space/footprint: a detailed guide to your planning permit file

Verified PayPal

member since 2011

100% positive


  • Help with selecting your builder.
  • Our own fit-out team is getting ready for orders.

more info

Decoration for your interior and exterior

  • LED lighting /  Great and Green! Starting from EUR 899

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Our story

We are now starting a new direction in our business that was initially concerned with language services (translations). Before that we were holding managerial positions in major international companies. We are lucky to have visited about 30 countries in Europe, Asia and Americas. With our primary place of business in Lithuania, a beautiful Baltic country within EU, we are now establishing a branch in Southern France. We have experience with real estate operations in the USA, Japan, a few European countries, and now in France.

Contact us now: dial our skype or phone, check out our blog or email us.

Skype: askmaxim, Tel. +33 (0)6 42 53 75 99
email: askmaxim@gmail.com

See you soon!

Copyright © 2011-2013 Divinitas Co. Ltd. Laisves al. 77, Kaunas, LT-44298 Lithuania Reg. 302700132, EU

Representative Office in France: 1 Rue de l'Horte, Tarascon-sur-Ariège 09400 | +33642537599

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